Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Zones of Regulation Ponder 4


  1. Hello everyone, it's Leilani!
    Here is some advice on how to get from the red zone to the green zone.

    -Walk away and forget about what or who you are angry at.
    -Drink some water and go for a calm walk.
    -Breath in and out slowly/Meditate
    -Listen to your favourite music.

    So that's some ways on how I usually get back into the green zone from the red zone.
    How do you get back into the green zone?
    BLOG YA LATER, Leilani.😁

    1. Good morning, Leilani

      I think that your advice for ways to get out of the red zone and into the green zone are great. Walking away until you have calmed down is a great strategy.

  2. Hi Ms Burt, its Antonio. I think that if you were in the red zone you should try the following:

    -Take 10 deep breaths
    -Go for a walk.
    -Read a book.
    -Sit down and think of something good and happy.
    -when you are calm you should talk about what happened.

    That is what I think you should do when you are in the red zone.


    1. Good morning, Antonio

      Yes, they are all great strategies for getting yourself out of the red zone. I like going for a walk, as it helps me to calm down and to also think a little clearer.

  3. Hi people, it's me, Dahran.
    Here are my ideas to try being happy again:
    - Do your favorite hobby
    - Do some relaxing yoga/exercises.
    - Eat your most favorite food.
    - Listen to music.
    - Go outside and get active!
    These tips help me go back to the green zone.
    Blog ya later

    1. Hi Dahran

      I really like your suggestion of some relaxing exercise for when someone is in the red zone. I know going for a walk helps me.

  4. Hi Room 24, hope everyone is ok in their bubble.
    when im in the red zone most of the time im just hungry because usually food makes me happy so when im angry I usually eat!
    thanks for sharing your learning with me
    blog you later

    1. Hi Hazel

      It's great that you can identify that when you're in the red zone it can be due to the fact that you're hungry (or hangry as people say these days).
      When I am feeling in the red zone I don't feel like eating. Exercise and talking about it is what helps me move to the green zone.

  5. Hi Sarah, I think that when someone, maybe my friends are in the red zone I think that they just need some alone time or I will just find a way to fix it. But my favourite way is to play a game that they really like or just eat something yummy.
    I hope all of you guys are safe in your bubbles. I will meet you guys at the google meet.

    1. Good afternoon, Pavan.
      Yes, having some time to yourself is a great way to calm down and get yourself out of the red zone. Having some time alone allows you the space to think clearly about what is going on.

  6. Hi Room 24, hope everyone is ok.
    He are some ways to get from the red zone back into the green zone.
    - Take 10 deep breaths
    - Walk away from whats causing you to be in the red zone
    - Talk to someone about it
    - Do something that makes you happy
    That's how I can get back into the green zone
    Blog you later

    1. Hi Neena

      Thank you for your response. They are all very good ideas in helping someone move from the red zone to the green zone. I also think that some exercise is another great way to help calm down.

  7. Hi good morning every one. this is how i cool down when i am angry. I just go to my room and just suit there and think then maybe go to sleep. I just just talk about it. That is how i cool down.

    1. Good afternoon, Lincoln.

      Finding a quiet space like a bedroom is a great way to remove yourself from what may have triggered being in the red zone. Talking about is also another great idea.
      Thank you for sharing what works for you.

  8. Kia ora I would say to go somewhere quiet and/or comfy spot and think about your favourite thing to do or eat.

    See you around

    1. Kia ora, Arden
      Those are some great ideas for getting back to the green zone if you find yourself in the red zone. I enjoy going for a walk when I feel like I am in the red zone.
      Thank you for sharing your ideas

  9. Kia ora Sarah.

    A way to get back to the green zone is...

    -Take 10 deep breathes
    -Read a book
    -Play video games.

    Blog ya later!

    1. Good afternoon, Floyd

      Thank you for sharing your ideas to get back into the red zone. Taking deep breaths is always helpful, as is finding somewhere quiet to read a book. I find that reading helps me to relax, so it is a great idea to help someone move from the red zone to the green zone.


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