Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Space Ponder #6


  1. I think that since black hole's have lots of gravity, when you get pulled in the gravity makes you stay on the ground and it crushes you because the gravity is so strong.

    1. Hi Ileana, Thanks for sharing your learning.
      I think that space is your future were ever you go.
      Did you know that outside of our universe our universe looks like a planet? and all of our planets that are in our solar system are like different countries?
      Blog ya later!

    2. Hi Charli thanks for the nice comment. Oh and yes I do know that our Universe looks like a planet but I didn't know that out planets look like different countries.


  2. I think that if you were pulled into a Black Hole by gravity. And there's also probably a 20% chance that you will survive a Black Hole, but if you do survive a Black Hole I think that you would probably be sent to a whole other dimension.

    1. Hi joel. great explaining about what would happen if you fell into a black hole.
      one of my questions is could the sun turn into a black hole because black holes were once normal stars just like the sun.
      blog ya later

    2. Hi Joel, we sort of had the same idea and I of course agree with what your saying because what if your not dead or crushed we don't know where we would go. I definitely think we would go to another dimension.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The black hole Is a hole that Is an old star. the star got old and did not have enough Hydrogen to keep the gravity from closing In on Its self. Eventually It collapses In on It self and turns In to a black hole. I think that when stuff goes In to the black hole It Is stretched until It Is pretty much nothing which Is made by the force of the gravity. It literally has an unlimited space In It. By Rico!

    1. I rely like your comment about the black hole❤.

  5. I think, if you get sucked in by gravity into a black hole you might go to another Dimention.Or you will get streched and schretded untill you are out of existence.

    1. Hi Jadarose, i really like your comment about you might get sucked in a black hole and might be taken to an other dimension. And that you could also get stretched until your out of existence. What other dimension might you be taken to?

  6. I think if you go into a black hole you will get sucked and the gravity is strong so it will pull your limbs. But if you survive a black hole you might go to another dimension somewhere in space.

  7. I think when you go in a black hole you go to another dimension or you would be dead because your oxygen would be low only if there is oxygen or you would just be in a black place for eternity then be dead.

  8. I think things either go into another dimension, or they get pulled to pieces because of gravity.
    they could get into another dimension when there body it the surface of the black hole.
    and they could be pulled to pieces because of the stretch of gravity on the black hole.

    1. Ola liam my name is Anjola I really like your Answer I like how you said if you survived a black hole or if you don't. And I agree even though no one has survived a black hole it's still possible
      Thank you for sharing your learning
      Blog you later

    2. Hi Liam I think they would go to another dimension. Or it might turn so small no one can see the black hole.Or if something gigantic goes in the black hole it would probably disappear into another dimension. Just saying. Blog you later liam. from Ryan

  9. I think that if anything went through a black hole it would get stretched till it turned into nothing no one can escape from a black hole because of the gravity and before a black hole is formed it is a old and cold star.

  10. I think gravity pulls you until you are stretched out of existence for a small black hole you will be completely torn apart before you even reach the black hole.

    1. Hi Felix its me Lincoln i like your comment. What happens when you survive the black hole trying to stretch you and then you go to another dimension?

    2. Hi Felix, I really liked how you said that you think gravity pulls you until you're stretched out of existence.
      Well done, Joel

  11. That's sort of a trick question because its almost impossible to survive a black hole because the gravity would stretch you until your stretched out of existence so that's sort of a trick question because no one has survived a black hole before

  12. if you were in a black hole the gravity will crush you and stretch you as if you were slime to a giant person, the stretching and crushing will be so strong that it will keep doing it until the existence of you will be no more! no one knows what is on the other side of a black hole, another universe, another world that can support life? who knows? well all I know is that no one knows what is on the other side, hahahaha! get it


  13. I think when things get sucked into a black hole they get stretched until there stretched out of existences and the thing the causes that is called gravity, but if you manged not to die, you might get sucked into another dimension or universe but nobody knows you may just float until you run out of air?

    1. Kia Ora Tiffany, I like that you said you might get stuck in another dimension or universe. What do you think that dimension or universe would be like?


    2. Hi Tiffany, I like how you said you may just float until you run out of air? I think it was a smart theory and it might be true.If you were sucked into a black hole and survived what would you do?


    3. Hi Tiffany, I like your comment about the black hole, I also think that, but if you were being stretched out existence wouldn't you have died or not exist anymore how will you be able to survive.Is this just a theory?

      If you would like to check out my blog here is the link.http://odsisabellap.blogspot.com/

      Blog ya later ,

  14. I think that if something was sucked up into a black hole the object would vanish into another dimension. You might go into the other side of space and find all of the other objects that got taken by the gravity. The gravity is to strong to run away from and nothing can escape from the hole. The hole is made from an old and cold star that shrinks from a whole lot of tough gravity. Leilani.

    1. Hi Leilani I really like your theory about what you think about stuff that gets suck In. Like you said, It making like a portal to the other side of space. I really liked your Theory. Coem check out my blog at http://odsricor.blogspot.com/ Blog Ya Later!

    2. Hi Leilani I really like how you said you might go to the other side of space. but which side I thought that space never ends?

  15. i think that things disapear in the black hole.

  16. I think if you were in a black hole you would get sucked up inside it and taken to another dimension. Or you would pop and never to be seen again. A black hole forms by an star that becomes old.

    1. Hi Neena I like how you said that if you went through a black hole you would get sucked in another dimension or you could be popped and never seen again.But why does a star get old and turn into a black hole?

    2. Hello Neena, I really like your theory about what you think might happen if you got sucked into a black hole. One of the thing that i really liked is that you said you might pop but what would happen metal flew into a black hole, would it disintegrate or not?

    3. Hello Neena, I really like what you wrote and I really like your explination. I like how you said that if you get sucked in a black hole you might end up in a nother dimetion or you would be poped and never to be seen again. Do you know what will happen if all stars in our solar system will tern old and become a black hole?

  17. I think in a black hole, gravity stretches object that get caught in its surrounding it. Because a black hole is a star when it gets old and cold then it collapses in to its center because it runs out of hydrogen , When it collapses it also loses all its light and sucks in all the surrounding objects.

  18. As you fall towards a black hole you would be moving faster and faster, until your feet can feel more gravity than your head because they are closer to the black hole, as a result your body is stretched apart and ripped in half. The reason black holes are made is because of old stars that explode and then suck everything in its path into the core then the core explodes and becomes part of the black hole. No one knows whats on the other side of a black hole because no one has been in a black hole, scientists say that you will mostly be ripped in half. Bitner

  19. Hi its Charli from room 24,So I think that if you got sucked into a black hole there's a 5% chance that that you'll survive.
    The force that's inside a black hole is called gravity.
    How are black holes made? Its a good question actually well its made of a star and when its old and cold it looses all its hydrogen dioxide and because of gravity t sucks it self into it self.
    If you were to get sucked through and survive you would probably go to another universe or something,otherwise you would die being stretched to much
    Later bloggers!

    1. Hi Charli I Really liked your post getting sucked into a black hole.
      Did you know that the sun is a star and it can turn into a black hole?
      Do you think the sun will turn into a black hole any time soon?
      Blog ya later!

  20. I think the things in it will get mouldy and mud all over it.The hole was a star because it got old and cold and it sucked up all of the thinks like mud,sticks,rock it stays in.

  21. I think if i got through i would get crushed into peaces then die, because there is so much gravity and as soon as i fall to the middle i will get crushed by all the pressure from the gravity. I 'ts like falling into a gas giant and getting crushed but harder. But this is just my theory.

    1. Hi Jiraiya. I really like how you said what would happen to you if you fell into a black hole, and how you would get crushed by gravity. Which gas giant are you talking about?

    2. HI miss mills,Thanks for the reply and I think the gas giant I was taking about was...
      Neptune. What was your theory of what happens if a human fell into a black hole?

    3. Hi Jiraiya. I really like how u said " It's like falling into a gas giant and getting crushed harder". Which gas giant are u talking about and how do know that u would get crushed in side of a gas giant??

    4. Nptune!! Sorry

    5. hi jiraya. I really like how you said i think if i got through i would get crushed into peacesthen die.And also i like how you said but this is just my theory.

  22. I think the props might go to a never seen before place/a second dimension, the props would never be seen again because if the props don't get crushed by the gravity we don't know where the props go. Luke

    1. HI Luke, I really like your comment. And yeah I agree cause you will never no if it got crushed. But what are the props and what will the dimension be like?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Dre i really like your connect that you did. I really like the part in it wen you said
    sucks all of the little bits. Do you think the it will get mouldy. Good jod blog you later.

  25. Hi Dreah, I like your comment because you thought of something different than I thought of and what I mean as in different you said the little bits turn into another black hole. What would the little bits be and look like when they are crushed, Would they disappear because they are so small? Great Job Dreah!


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