Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Cybersmart Ponder 1



  1. Hi Sarah, I think I should show the kawa of care by closing your Chromebook lid before you walk with it (hold it with 2 hands while walking). One of the most important things are not sharing personal info with people that you don't know or and even your friends.

    That's all for today folks.
    Blog ya later!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi room 24. Here are some ways you can show Kawa of care. Walk around holding your chromebook with two hands and having your lid shut, not sharing your pass words with others. When your commenting it should be PTQ which means positive thoughtful and having a question. Being on the right site at the right time doing the right thing. Not walking around with your headphones still on because you could trip over the cable.
    Blog you later

  4. Hi Sarah. I think that showing Kawa Of care is...

    * Having a strong Password
    * Hold your device properly
    *Take your headphones out of your Chromebook when you have headphones connected to your Chromebook
    *Take care of your Chromebook.

    So that is What I think Showing Kawa Of Care is.

  5. there are lots of ways to show Kawa of care.
    Here are some tips:
    - never slam your chromebook lid
    - don't walk around with your lid open
    - don't share your password
    - never email anybody unless you need to
    - don't ever walk around while you have your headphones on
    That's how you show KOC!

  6. Hi Ms Burt. If I were to show the Kawa of care is to shut your Chromebook screen when travelling or moving with it,always work with it on a flat and hard surface,use two hands to hold your Chromebook when moving,making strong passwords abd not telling it to anyone and to be at the right place at the right time.oh and I have a question for you: what rules do you have for Kawa of care?

  7. Kia Ora Sarah, This is Persaies from room 24. How I show my Kawa of care by holding my chrome book on the right and left sides and closing it so it is not open. I also show Kawa of care by being on the rite site at the rite time, And i show Kawa of care by being responsible by not telling anybody my personal information and not posting personal information and if i did it is not very good because random people might come to your house and yeah bad stuff. And that is what i would do for my Kawa of care! Stay Safe and Stay Kind.😁😀👍 Be a smart learner and show PTQ(Positive,thoughtful,Question) in your comments! BLOG YA LATER

  8. Hello
    how I show the kawa of care is i look after my Chromebook by I walk around with my lid shut, and I hold it with two hands.
    I also use a strong password.
    I unplug my headphones when I walk around.
    I leave positive, thoughtful comments on people's blogs.

  9. Hey Everyone,
    Ways I can show The Kawa Of Care are...
    Being on the right site, at the right time, in the right place
    Not slamming my Cromebook lid (its not a basket ball ya know!)
    I never leave my Cromebook on the ground(no way!)
    And I especially don't tell people my password.Never

    What are your ways, are they like mine?


  10. Kia Ora, Ms Bert. I think my way to show
    "Kawa of care" is to close the lid of your Chromebook as walking, don't walk with your headphones in or you might trip up on the wire, walk not run with your Chromebook, keep your password strong and don't use personal information in your password and know who your talking to online. Bye blog ya later!.

  11. Hi my name is Hazel,
    I show kawa of care by
    1. respecting other people's privacy on their chrome book and not going on their chrome book when they are not there.
    2. By not sharing my personal information because my first name is all I give out
    3. By Having a super strong password with capitals and lower case letters and special characters and numbers like this: LoLL1eS@nDp!Zz@ (not a real password)
    That's all I Have to share today
    Blog you later

  12. Kia ora everyoooonneee.

    I show the Kawa of care by holding my Chromebook with 2 hands, not sharing my password with anyone (although my password is really bad) and not slamming the lid.


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  13. Kia Ora,
    How I think to show Kawa of care is:
    Passwords: DON'T show your friends your password, don't show your password to your family, don't hide your password somewhere that someone could find it, don't stick your password on your Chromebook and having a strong password (example: 1234, abcd)
    Personal Info: Don't write personal info to people you don't know, don't share your last name, street name, or your number plate.
    Holding Your Chromebook: Make sure you have unplugged your headphones, close the lid when you are walking, hold your Chromebook with two hands, hold your Chromebook with care. How would you show the Kawa of Care?

  14. Kia ora, I show the kawa of care by: not putting personal info into my password, keeping my Chromebook closed while walking, typing softly on my keyboard.

    See you around

  15. Hi everyone, Leilani here.
    Some ways of showing kawa of care, and also ways I show kawa of care is:

    -Walking around with my Chromebook shut.
    -Only looking at sites that are appropriate for school learning.
    -Keeping my password to myself, and also making it strong and unhackable.
    -Being gentle with my Chromebook.(It costs money!)
    -Don't show any of your personal information.
    Examples in:
    Blog posting
    Blog commenting

    Hope everyone is having a great first week back at school!
    BLOG YA LATER, Leilani.


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