Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Space Ponder #2


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  2. Me well I would take my tablet because it'll be so boring! The second thing I would take is my picture albums because I will really miss them. The last thing I would take is a book because I would be on my tablet the whole day. Those are my things I would really take.

  3. I would take my Teddy Bear so I don't get lonely, a I'pad so I could play something (offline Game), and a photo of my family so I could remember them.

  4. The Three things I would want to take into space with me would be

    Pickaxe/Axe for samples
    Camera for Pictures
    Photo book

  5. Kia ora, I would take a telescope to check for stuff in space a rope for staying in the ship and a recording system for recording every thing that i find. Luke

  6. I would take a Camera a photo album and a stationary set. I would take a camera to take photos of space and show the world what I saw.The reason I would take a photo album because then I can reamer my family and friends. Also I would take a stationary set so I can draw and send post cards. Zoe

    1. Great ideas. We love getting letters from you.

  7. This is hard.I would take some memories of my family.Some cloths to keep warm.And some books to read to keep smart.

  8. I would take a camera so I could take pictures of strange stuff. I would also take one of my friends so I don't get bored throughout the journey a microscope to see black holes and crazy stuff.

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  10. My family because it would be really weird and hard for me without my family. Next I would bring my money in case you could buy stuff that you need or want (unless they have space money or something) and finally the last thing I would bring would be camera so I could take photos of all the pretty stars and really cool planets.


  11. I would take some photos to remember my family. I would take my lucky charm [My Favourite teddy] And last but not least a camera.

  12. I would bring a sheet or blanket so when I go to sleep I am not cold.
    I would also bring something that would help me see long distances maybe a telescope.
    and I would take a string to if I need to tie something I can use this.

  13. 1. I would take a photo book so I can remember my family.
    2. I would take a camera to take pictures of rocks and stuff like that.
    3. I would take a iPad so if I get bored I can play a games.

  14. 1. I would take a photo book so I can remember the memories of my family and friends.
    2. I would also take some things to build with so I can make a colony.
    3. I would also take a camera so I can take photos and when I get back home I can show it to my family.

  15. I would to take a solar panel for Energy, Gaming set up for Gaming and a Phone for pictures to give to Scientists

  16. This is a hard question but it would be, a family photo album to remind me of my whanau , my knitting to keep me busy, my t.v that does not use wifi.

  17. Hi, i'm Arden, my three things to take would be: friends so I have company, my Xbox so I dont get bored and last wifi so I can do online things.

  18. I want lots of things so i will have one family picture book because i will miss my family go to mars and i will have my toy because i will miss it and t.v because i will miss my t.v .

  19. Hi Room 24. I found this really hard; there are so many things I would want to take. My three things are:
    1. My family (including my cat)
    2. Lots of books (loaded on my phone so they don't take up space)
    3. Mr Duck - a soft toy I have had since I was very small.

  20. The three things that I would take is...
    Memories and photos of my family
    A stress ball to keep me entertained
    and a blanket to keep me warm at night

  21. 1. my family photos to keep me happy
    2. a squishie to get me to sleep
    3. food to keep me healthy


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