Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

Week 7: Learning Tasks for Monday and Tuesday (27/09-28/09)

The class has spoken... And here it is...

For Monday and Tuesday I would like you to complete 1 of the below writing prompts. PLUS some column addition tasks. Click on the links, watch the videos and practice your column addition.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Week 6: Learning Tasks for Friday 24th

  Here are today's Home Learning activities. 

Keep practicing your basic facts!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Week 6: Learning for Wednesday 22nd

 Here are today's Home Learning activities. 

Keep practicing your basic facts!!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week 6: Learning Tasks for Monday 20th

 These are your Home Learning activities for today.

Practice your column addition with the videos and games!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Week 5: Learning Tasks/ Ideas for Friday 17th

Kia Ora Room 8,

Here are your daily tasks, and some options for independent learning. Click on the examples and templates. These will help you to complete the tasks.

Remember the choice board activities posted on the Class Site on the Home Learning Page. Remember to take your time to make a thorough and in-depth presentation of your chosen activities. Detail, detail, detail!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Week 5: Learning Choice Board

Kia Ora Room 8,

Here is our new learning for the next couple of weeks. You are in charge! You get to lead your learning. 

What are you passionate about? What are you wanting to learn more about? What do you enjoy learning about? Now is the time to get stuck in and learn about these things! 

Select a topic from the choice board. 

Make sure you read the instructions carefully. Complete each task well and check you have included everything you need to include! Look at some of the examples to help you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

 Kia Ora Room 8,

Have a look through these slides and explore some things about the Maori culture.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Week 5: Home Learning Tasks for Monday and Tuesday (13th and 14th)

Ata marie Room 8

Here are our final tasks for our volcanoes unit!

The new slide for your learning for Monday and Tuesday is in your Home Learning folder in your Google Drive. It is called (Name) Mon 13th Sept Past and Future Volcanoes

If you have any questions, email me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Week 4: Learning Tasks for Wednesday and Thursday (8th and 9th)

Malo e lelei Room 8,

Here are the new learning tasks for today and tomorrow!

You can find the new learning slide in your Google Drive in your Home Learning Folder -  
(Name) Wed 8th Sept Past and Future Volcanoes. 

Remember the Great Room 8 Cook Off!!! 
You can cook anything you like. Don't forget to take pictures of you creating your delicious meal and post it on your blog!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tongan Language Week - Some activities to sink your teeth into!

Malo e lelei Room 8,

This week is Tongan Language Week

Have a look through these slides and learn about some greetings and some songs. There is also a Google Earth activity where you can take a closer look at Tonga!

What is your favourite Tongan song?

P4C Ponder - Taking you back...


Monday, September 6, 2021

Week 4: Learning Tasks for Monday and Tuesday (6/09-7/09)

Morena Room 8,

Another week, and yes you guessed it, another week of learning more about VOLCANOES!! 

You will enjoy this weeks learning. 
It is all about 'The Eruption'!!! 

Today is all about the Glossary! Understanding the terms and the type of eruptions there are. 

You will find your slides in your Google Drive in your Home Learning folder - (Name) Mon 6th Sept Past and Future Volcanoes

Friday, September 3, 2021

Week 3: Learning Task for Friday

Morena Room 8,

Here is something to get keep you going today! There is a writing task, and some images of volcanoes to help inspire you.

I would like you to: 

  • complete a 'six sentence' adventure story.
  • write a 100 word adventure story using ideas from your 'six sentence' story.
Challenge: Include of the following in your adventure story:
  • a scientist
  • a beautiful rock
  • an Egyptian mummy
  • a magical animal
  • something that is trapped
  • eyes in the dark
  • a plant monster
  • a hidden treasure

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Week 3: Learning Tasks for Wednesday and Thursday

Kia ora Room 8,

Here are the new learning tasks for Wednesday and Thursday. 

You will find the slides for your learning in your Google Drive in your Home Learning folder. Look for the document
(Name) - Volcanoes of Auckland: Wednesday 01 September.
  1. Name your document (you don't need to make a copy)
  2. Look at the modelling book and use this to help you complete the tasks
Email me if you need help!